Who I am

Miss Adah 🗣 eɪ-də (“Ay-duh”)

Born on the vernal equinox, I am a powerful force of nature as both Woman and fetish Mistress. An extensive background in theatre has honed my natural presence and brings a dynamic flow to my scenes. Sensual and versatile, this German Jewess has high standards and accepts no nonsense.

What I Do

I hold space for people to be vulnerable and explore desires or curiosities they likely do not reveal to the world at large. I give fellow adventurers judgment-free, safety- and psych-informed opportunities to allow their deeper selves time at the surface. 


Visit the Dungeon

Click here to see a list of events and rental options on Less Dead Studio’s website

Online Activities

Links to full-length clips, behind-the-scenes content, phone and video chat options